My Top Ten Firsts of the Trip (So Far)

In no particular order:

1. First time driving on the left

Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand

Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand

2. First time eating sushi (the real kind, with raw fish)

Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto, Japan

3. First time riding in a tuk-tuk

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai, Thailand

4. First time using crampons

Attaching metal spikes to my feet

Fox Glacier, New Zealand

5. First time drinking sake

Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto, Japan

6. First time riding a motorbike

Phuket, Thailand

Phuket, Thailand

7. First time eating kangaroo and camel

Yulara, Australia

Yulara, Australia

8. First time sailing

Whitsundays, Australia

Whitsundays, Australia

9. First time snorkeling

Kailua Kona, Hawaii

Kailua Kona, Hawaii

10. First time feeding an elephant

Elephant Nature Park, Thailand

Elephant Nature Park, Thailand

Hawaii by the Numbers

Miles driven: 362

Beds slept in: 5

Accommodations rented: 4

Accommodations with balcony ocean view: 3

Waterfalls admired: 4

Hours snorkeled: 3.5

Sea turtles seen: 2

Fake tattoos painted on Heather: 4

Flowers worn in my hair: 1

Hula dances watched: 2

Near-death driving experiences: I can’t even think about it

Sunset drinks drunk: 9

Palm trees photographed: approximately 500

Hawaiian words I knew before arriving: 2

Hawaiian words I learned while there: 15

Hawaiian words I know now: 2

National parks visited: 2

Friends made by Heather, at the hotel check-in, at restaurants, at the luau, etc.: At least 6

Total money spent, including airfare: $2,477

Total days spent there: 14

Average per day, including airfare: $177

Total money spent, NOT including airfare: $1,677

Average per day, NOT including airfare: $120

Money regretted having spent: not a cent

Moments treasured with a beloved sister: countless