My Writing Published Elsewhere

Check out my published pieces from around the Internet (in reverse chronological order):

The Cost of Being Robbed While Traveling Abroad,” which talks about the robbery and the aftermath. Featured on The BillfoldThe Hairpin, and The Awl. (The internet is forever but also all websites die eventually. None of these sites operate anymore, sadly, so you can’t find the article at the original links. I’ve found it on The Wayback Machine.)

The Best Thing I Bought for My Trip Around the World Was Travel Insurance,” which briefly lists all my injuries and illnesses that needed medical attention, and how my travel insurance covered every penny. Featured on The Billfold. (Here’s the article on The Wayback Machine.)

How Reading Disturbing YA Books Made Me a Better Person,” a reprint of a Stowaway post. Featured on the International Business Times.

You can also listen to my interview on the Getting Better Acquainted podcast, talking about the first part of my round-the-world trip.

And check out my photo of Tintern Abbey featured in a two-page spread in the August/September 2017 issue of National Geographic Traveler magazine.

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