3 thoughts on “My Neighborhood in Bloom

  1. How wonderful to hear from you again, Lisa! And Welcome Spring, indeed! Our (PNW) cherry and apple trees are also in bloom, along with the yellow harbingers of the new season – forsythia, primroses, and dandelions! All good, in my book.

    My current excitement is that l made my first “creative” quilt in answer to our quilt museum’s challenge called “Scattering Sunshine”. I’ve made several quilts for the kids’ trauma unit in the big Seattle hospital, which is satisfying and feels good for helping out kids who need comfort, but nothing beyond that. This piece feels as though l’ve broken through some kind of plaster-cast body-armour. Now l’m looking to keep going! It’s hanging, along with 15 other quilts that answered the challenge, in the beautiful front parlour of the quilt museum, a late-19th C, absolutely gorgeous, mansion in my town. I hope that you are having fun in your new, always-lively life!

    🤗 🥰 🌷 🐥 Irene

    P.S. Can’t respond in the comments, but this is more fun and personal, anyway. 😉

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    • So good to hear from you, Irene! I’m glad you’re enjoying spring in the PNW as well.

      I hear there’s a really great quilting exhibition on in Chicago; I don’t know how often you make it back to the Midwest anymore, but I hope you get to see it if you go. Also, don’t know if you make wedding quilts, but I’m getting married next year… 😉

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